Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Gender Norms And Practices Within Private Organizations

The authors suggest that the study of gender norms and practices in private organizations should be used for future research on the role of gender in public management. Gender norms are defined rules that govern behaviors based on one’s sex. The article states that gender norms are established through repeated interpersonal interactions, which lead to informal rules and expectations developed over the years. It is also mentioned that gender norms are established in the work environment by the organizations founding members’ values and norms. Gender matters because it is the primary factor which results in inequalities in pay and job opportunity. White men were often founder of many organizations, which created disadvantages and inequalities for women and people of color. These realities are not frequently addressed in the public sector. The authors suggest that studying organizational norms in the private sector, that rely heavily on sociology literature, can unco ver ways to remove gender inequalities in public management. What is being suggested is not the same as simply tracking numbers over time. One study found a tracking approach fails to include the effort needed to interpret the data. Since public and non-profit agencies are unique and must uphold democratic ideals, it is public administrators who need to study gendered organizations in the public sector. The authors conclude by suggesting that future research could expand to include race and ethnicity, theShow MoreRelatedIn His Account of the Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills (1959) Distinguishes Between ‘Private Troubles’ and ‘Public Issues’. 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